Alexander Kručan se je rodil leta 1960 v Ussuiysku / Russija.

Študiral je slikarstvo na Kubanski Državni univerzi v Krasnodaru, kjer je diplomiral in sicer ba tehniški in umetniški fakulteti ter se zaposlil kot profesor umetnosti v Jeisku ob Azovskem morju. 

Od leta 1995 dela kot svobodni umetnik in je član Ruskega slikarskega združenja. Sodeloval je na številnih skupinskih rastavah kot tudi samostojnih doma in v tujini.

Alexander Kruchan was born in 1960 in Ussuiysk / Russia.

He studied painting at the Cuban State University in Krasnodar, where he graduated from the Technical and Art Faculty and worked as a professor of art at Jeisko along the Azov Sea.

Since 1995 he has been working as a freelance artist and a member of the Russian Painting Association. He participated in numerous group discussions, as well as at home and abroad.

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Contact me

To purchase my art or for any other questions please use the contact form, or email me directly and i will respond as soon as possible!

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